Remembering Alysha: Purple Ribbons on show at Nationals to knock over brain cancer

Today we support Alysha.
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Today our athletes will be supporting a cause very close to the hearts of everyone who is a part of Team Monash.

Former Monash Softball Team Captain Alysha Waye was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2015 and had to step aside from her much loved sport.

However Alysha didn’t let cancer get her down and throughout her treatment worked tirelessly to raise money for the Cure Brain Cancer foundation.

Team Monash Director Martin Doulton said Alysha’s team members all got behind her after her diagnosis.

“The rest of the crew decided that they would recognise her contribution to the teams and recognise that she wasn’t able to make it (to Nationals) by wearing something purple on the day,” Doulton said.

“We got behind the brain cancer awareness network and for the last four years, every year the teams have worn something purple on the Wednesday to recognise Alysha’s contribution.”

Heartbreakingly, we lost Alysha to her battle earlier this year, but we will never forget the woman she was and her incredible efforts to help others even in the darkest of times.

“It’s important to wear them (purple ribbons) to recognise it’s not just sport that we’re here for,” Doulton said.

Today, athletes will once again don purple ribbons and wear something purple throughout their events to honour Alysha’s memory and continue her work in putting an end to brain cancer. 

Have a look at the Cure Brain Foundation website to find out more about how you can get behind the cause. 

#PlayForAlysha #CureBrainCancer

Written by Joseph Arthur, Media Coordinator


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