Final Pep Rally before heading to Sydney

With less than a week to go until the 2014 Australian University Games, team comradery is unbelievably high at TeamMONASH.

Sunday night was the last chance that athletes had to train before heading to Syndey where they hope to win the overall title for Monash University.

After a hard day of training, over 400 athletes enjoyed a free BBQ and drinks to motivate them to continue working hard.

Director of TeamMONASH, Martin Doulton, spoke at the rally, thanking students for their commitment and hard work.

"Standing amongst all the athletes, I can see how united everyone is," Mr Doulton said, " is clear to see that the common goal for everyone is to win gold, and to bring the title home."

Team Captains, Andrew Sanders and Lucy Dawson are both excited to head back to Sydney.

"Let's go to Syndey and have a great time! The important thing to do is always look out for fellow TeamMONASH athletes" Lucy said, "... whenever you see someone in blue, shout out to them, give them a thumbs up or even cheer their team on!"

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